“O-RIDENT” is an Unique, Reliable and handy non- Destructive Testing instrument for checking the Material of O – RINGS.
• It works on the principle of identification of O rings based on the modulus of resilience of the polymer of the O-ring.
• The ‘O-rident’ takes the guesswork our of O-ring selection and its chemical compatibility during installations.
• Its handy enough to be carried in your pocket like a pen.
• It’s the only one of its kind available today.
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[stm_contacts_widget style=”style_4″ address=”Plot No. 693, Besides Himalaya Machinery, GIDC, Makarpura Vadodara, Gujarat 390010 India” email=”[email protected]” title=”Contact Us” phone=”9925008817, 8401728133 0265-2637212″]